35 New Deaths and 964 New Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in Los Angeles County

LOS ANGELES, Calif. Oct 5 – Los Angeles County continues to see a downward trend in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.

On September 27, the County’s 7-day daily case average was 1,050 new cases – a decrease of more than 57% from a month earlier. Over the same period, hospitalizations and deaths both declined by 45%. And while the declines are promising, the County continues to see, on average, 14 deaths a day, a particular tragedy because so many of them could have been prevented by vaccination.

Today, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) confirms 35 new deaths and 964 new cases of COVID-19. Of the 35 new deaths reported today, six people who passed away were over the age of 80, 10 people who died were between the ages of 65 and 79, 12 people who died were between the ages of 50 and 64, five people who died were between the ages of 30 and 49, and one person who died was between the ages of 18 to 29. One death was reported by the City of Pasadena. To date, Public Health identified 1,464,793 positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of L.A. County and a total of 26,195 deaths.

There are 768 people with COVID-19 currently hospitalized and 30% of these people are in the ICU. This is a decrease of 122 daily hospitalizations over the past week.

Testing results are available for nearly 8,704,000 individuals with 16% of people testing positive. Today’s test positivity rate is 0.9%, a slight decrease from last week’s same day rate of 1.2%

The slowing of community transmission is also reflected in the number of new cases at schools. The overall case numbers in schools continue to decrease across the entire county. There were only 559 student cases the week of September 26 through October 1, while staff cases decreased to 82 over the same period. This is a 54% decrease from the prior week for students, and a 51% decrease for staff.

Most K-12 cases are not associated with outbreaks, but when three or more cases are linked at a school or school-based activity, they are considered to be part of an outbreak, and are met with additional resources dedicated to investigating and stopping transmission among students, staff, and communities. The number of school outbreaks also decreased by more than half between the prior week and last week, from 12 outbreaks the week ending September 26 to five outbreaks the week ending October 2. This past week, there was one outbreak in youth sports, and two outbreaks each in elementary and middle schools.

With more than 3,000 schools now open county-wide, these are astonishingly low numbers, and this is possible only because of the hard work of our school community members: staff, students, and families.

Multiple vaccination verification requirements now affect L.A. County residents and workers. As of September 20, proof of vaccination status or a negative test result at indoor events in L.A. County with more than 1,000 attendees is required. September 30 was the deadline for healthcare and homecare workers across L.A. County to be fully vaccinated, while L.A. County employees had until October 1 and L.A. City employees have until today, October 5.

On October 7, proof of full vaccination or a negative test result will be required to enter outdoor mega events, and proof of at least one dose of the vaccine will be required to enter or work in indoor portions of bars, lounges, nightclubs, breweries, wineries, and distilleries in L.A. County. On November 4, bars and similar establishments throughout L.A. County will be required to verify full vaccination of all patrons and employees prior to entry to indoor portions of their establishments. To help businesses through all stages of implementation, which includes an overview of vaccination and testing requirements, Public Health created toolkits that are available online, at: http://publichealth.lacounty.gov

Under a state order, K-12 school staff across the county are required to be vaccinated by October 15 or test weekly. LAUSD students participating in extracurricular activities must be fully vaccinated by October 31, and Culver City students are required to be vaccinated by November 19. All LAUSD students 12 and over must be fully vaccinated by December 19. Last week, Governor Newsom announced the state’s plan to require COVID-19 vaccination of all students and staff at private and public schools statewide as a condition of in-person attendance. The requirement will be effective for each student beginning the term following full FDA approval of the vaccine for their grade span, beginning with students in grades 7 through 12, followed by students in grades K through 6. Depending on the timing of approvals, this likely means the requirement will go into effect beginning either January 1 or July 1 of 2022. There are also federal requirements, including President Biden’s executive order requiring federal workers to be fully vaccinated by November 22.

Helping organizations and businesses comply with targeted vaccination requirements over the next few months will be a focus for Public Health teams. Over the course of the pandemic, the County has seen high rates of compliance with other safety measures, and we anticipate similar cooperation as we work together to add the additional powerful protection of vaccinations for workers, customers, students, and families.

“We grieve alongside everyone who has suffered the loss of friends and families during this difficult time. Our prayers and hearts are with you,” said Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health. “Many of us are trying to figure out our holiday plans. As Halloween, Thanksgiving and the December holiday season are fast approaching, we are hopeful, that with continued declines in cases, we can plan for gatherings, parties, and perhaps travel to celebrate with family and friends. While we continue to live with the uncertainties posed by a mutating virus, one thing is certain: whatever your plans, they’ll be safer if you and your loved ones are vaccinated. To be safe, it is helpful to make sure to get your vaccine in time to be fully protected for the holidays.”

Public Health encourages everyone unvaccinated for COVID-19 to get vaccinated ahead of time to be fully protected for the holidays. For those not yet vaccinated, you are only considered fully protected two weeks after all doses are complete. For the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, you’re considered fully protected two weeks after your one shot. For the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which both involve two shots several weeks apart, you’re only considered fully protected two weeks after your second dose.

If you’re unvaccinated today, you could walk into one of our county-run vaccination sites and get a Johnson & Johnson vaccine, then two weeks later, be considered fully vaccinated. That means you’d be fully protected by Halloween.

Anyone 12 and older living or working in L.A. County can get vaccinated. Vaccinations are always free and open to eligible residents and workers regardless of immigration status. Boosters are available for eligible individuals at all sites offering the Pfizer vaccine. Many vaccination sites across the county, including all the County-run sites, are also offering third doses of vaccine to eligible immunocompromised people. Appointments are not needed at many sites and all Public Health vaccination sites where first, second, and third doses are available.


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1 day ago

迪士尼+ 庆祝星球大战日,推出即将上映的星球大战系列剧《追随者》的新预告片和海报

全美电视5月7日洛杉矶报道,今天,为了庆祝一年一度的星球大战粉丝节日,迪士尼+为卢卡斯影业即将推出的星球大战系列片《侍僧》推出了令人兴奋的全新预告片和海报。这部惊险悬疑的真人剧集将于6月4日周二推出,前两集仅在 迪斯尼Disney+上独家播出。   在《侍僧》中,一位受人尊敬的绝地大师(李政宰饰)与一位来自他过去的危险战士(阿曼德拉·斯坦伯格饰)对决了一起令人震惊的犯罪狂潮。随着更多线索的出现,他们沿着一条黑暗的道路前进,邪恶的力量揭示了一切并不像看上去的那样……   该剧由阿曼德拉·斯坦伯格、李正宰、曼尼·哈辛托、达芙妮·基恩、查理·巴内特、朱迪·特纳·史密斯、丽贝卡·亨德森、迪恩·查尔斯·查普曼、乔纳斯·索塔莫和凯莉·安·莫斯主演。   莱斯利·海德兰根据乔治·卢卡斯的《星球大战》创作了该剧,并与凯瑟琳·肯尼迪、西蒙·伊曼纽尔、杰夫·F·金和杰森·米卡莱夫一起担任执行制片人。Charmaine DeGraté 和 Kor Adana 担任联合执行制片人。雷恩·罗伯茨、达米安·安德森、艾琳·希姆和罗布·布雷多担任制片人。   海德兰还执导了首播集(第101集和第102集)。导演…

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