IOC President announces plans to create Olympic Esports Games at opening of 141st IOC Session in Mumbai

AMTV/MUMBAI, Oct 14 – The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is exploring plans for the creation of Olympic Esports Games. The ground-breaking announcement was made by IOC President Thomas Bach during today’s Opening Ceremony of the 141st IOC Session taking place in Mumbai, India, in the presence of the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.

“Your presence here today, dear Prime Minister, is a testimony to [the] growing importance of Olympic sport in your wonderful country. This is why I am offering you a very warm welcome – thank you, Mr Prime Minister, for gracing us with your presence. India is an inspiring place to hold our IOC Session – a country that combines a splendid history and a dynamic present with a vigorous confidence in the future,” the IOC President said.

Thomas Bach also thanked IOC Member in India Mrs Nita Ambani for her warm welcome and generous hospitality, saying: “Already during our short time here, we could get a first impression of the excellent ways you, Nita, are promoting sport and athletes in India. What you have achieved in both business and sport is simply remarkable. Through your Reliance Foundation you are bringing the Olympic values to millions of students, giving them the opportunity to build their lives in and through sport. You are spreading the Olympic spirit across your vast country and in this way, you are making the world a better place through sport.”

Turning to esports, the IOC President noted that there are three billion people playing esports and gaming around the world. It is estimated that over 500 million of them are interested specifically in esports, which includes virtual sports and sport simulations. Thomas Bach said: “What is even more relevant to us: a majority of them are under the age of 34.”

The IOC President announced: “I have asked our new IOC Esports Commission to study the creation of Olympic Esports Games.”

The IOC has been engaging with esports since 2018 in a holistic way. “We chose an approach that would allow us to be active in the esports space while staying true to our values that have guided us for over a century. With respect to esports, our values are and remain the red line that we will not cross. Our crystal-clear position is gaining more and more respect also in the esports community. One of the leading publishers even adapted their popular game to conform fully with our Olympic values – so that players shot at targets, not at people,” the IOC President emphasised.

The first engagement of the IOC with the esports community was the organisation of the Esports Forum in 2018 in Lausanne, followed by the set-up of an Esports Liaison Group to have a platform to engage with all the esports stakeholders. In 2021, the IOC developed the Olympic Virtual Series. It was the IOC’s first pilot venture in esports.

President Bach explained: “Building on the learnings from this Olympic Virtual Series, we then launched the Olympic Esports Week in Singapore earlier this year. In Singapore, we saw proof that our holistic approach is working. We successfully brought together the Olympic and the esports communities.”

A highlight of the Olympic Esports Week was the thrilling live finals, created in collaboration with the International Sports Federations (IFs) and publishers. Over 130 players from across the globe came together to compete in the Olympic spirit on the global stage, in 10 mixed-gender category events. Players were cheered on by a full house of fans in Singapore, with all the action streamed online. Including the qualifiers, the Olympic Esports Series attracted over 500,000 unique participants. The Olympic Esports Series generated more than 6 million views of live action over all channels, with 75 per cent of views from people aged 13 until 34.

“This was a promising start. But it is just that: a start. It is like in any sport: after even a promising start, the real race still lies ahead,” Thomas Bach concluded.

In his speech he also addressed the topic of artificial intelligence (AI): “Our continued success depends on how we embrace the ever-accelerating development of digital technology and in particular AI. This makes our Olympic Agenda 2020 imperative, ‘change or be changed’, even more urgent.”

He called for a change of mindset in the Olympic Movement in order to seize this opportunity: “The younger generation has a completely new way of thinking. They are living digital lives right now. We must not ignore their thinking if we do not want to jeopardise our own future. We must empower them to guide us with their young mindset.”

The President said the IOC must be in the driver’s seat: “We have to devise a holistic analysis of the opportunities and risks of AI – and then take action immediately. I am happy to inform you that this work is already underway. If things go well, you may see some first consequences of this already in Paris.” The IOC has created an AI working group of experts to guide its efforts.

Noting that another key principle of the reforms of Olympic Agenda 2020 was that sport needs to go where the people are, the IOC President said: “This is true for both worlds – the real and the digital one. Today sport has to compete for the time and attention of young people. Therefore, we have to reach out to the youth where they are in this digital world. This is not just a technological imperative. This is also a demographic imperative.”

Continuing his opening speech, President Bach noted the growing excitement for the Olympic Games Paris 2024, the “Games of a New Era” and the first to be organised fully in line with Olympic Agenda 2020 and Olympic Agenda 2020+5 from start to finish.

Political leaders have also expressed their support for the Games. Most recently, at their Summit in India, the G20 Leaders in their Declaration said that they “look forward to the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2024 as a symbol of peace, dialogue amongst nations and inclusivity, with participation of all.”

Concluding his opening presentation, the IOC President addressed Prime Minister Modi directly again, saying: “For this commitment, I would like to thank the host and chair of this G20 Summit, the Prime Minister of India, His Excellency Narendra Modi. We have a certain idea how difficult it is to reach a consensus in these divisive and confrontational times we are living in. Congratulations and thank you, Prime Minister Modi, for your leadership and your great support for the Olympic Games.”


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全美电视5月12日华盛顿报道,美国国务卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)今天表示,如果没有“可靠的保护平民计划”,美国“不会支持”以色列在加沙南部城市拉法(Rafah)的军事行动。 布林肯今天表示说:“从第一天起,拜登(Joe Biden)总统就决心支持以色列自卫,并努力确保10月7日的事件不再发生。”但布林肯强调,“以色列必须保护平民,并确保人道主义援助到达那些需要的人手中。” 以色列不顾国际社会的批评,准备在最近几天扩大对加沙的军事行动。以色列5月11日下令平民从拉发疏散。与此同时,美国对以色列的持续支持也受到了质疑。 拜登总统上周表示,美国已暂停向以色列运送炸弹,并承认说,“平民已因这些炸弹而丧生”,因为在被认为是加沙地带最后避难所的南部城市拉法,以色列正准备着发动进攻行动,布林肯今天澄清说,政府唯一保留的是高载荷炸弹,因为它们可能对人口密集地区造成影响。 拜登总统因继续支持以色列而受到左翼人士的批评,也遭到右翼人士的强烈反对,一些人指责他没有兑现对以色列的承诺。但布林肯今天为拜登辩护说,“没有一位总统在真正重要的时候比拜登做得更多。”但他补充说,拜登政府“几个月来一直非常明确地表示,我们对在拉法进行重大军事行动的担忧”。 布林肯说:“我们已经明确表示,如果以色列对拉法发动这次重大军事行动,那么我们将不会对某些系统提供支持和供应。” 布林肯还明确表示,美国一直在寻求制定加沙冲突结束后的计划。他指出,哈马斯正在返回以色列已经清除的加沙部分地区。布林肯指出,即使以色列在拉法取得初步成功,也可能无法持续下去。 布林肯5月10日周五就以色列在加沙的军事行动向美国国会提交了一份报告。报告说,“有理由评估”以色列违反了国际人道主义法。但该报告声称,没有正式发现以色列军方已经这样做了。 该报告称,尽管有人指控以色列违反了国际人道主义法,但并没有关于是否使用了美国武器的“完整信息”。 布林肯今天还说:“我们正在全面调查所发生的事情。”“我们认为,根据已经发生的事情,我们有理由评估以色列的行为违反了国际法规定的义务,但我们还没有得出明确的结论。” 自该报告发布以来,拜登政府面临着来自左右两派的批评,一些共和党人谴责其对以色列的批评,而一些民主党人则认为该报告做得不够。 阿肯色州共和党参议员汤姆·科顿(Tom Cotton)今天在媒体节目上表示,该报告“毫无意义”,并补充说,它听起来像是“拐嘴的政治”。科顿直言不讳地批评拜登政府。…

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