全美电视3月1日纽约报道,美国联邦国会议员、纽约州州长竞选人汤姆·索兹(Tom Suozzi)今天在纽约曼哈顿喜来登酒店主办的“相见与问候”活动,与不同族裔、不同肤色的各界名人、政要、非政府组织领袖们相聚,呼吁“和谐促和平”,督促立即停止乌克兰战争,希望俄罗斯与乌克兰以和谐方式谈判,尽快解决战争的危机给世界带来的经济损失。汤姆·索兹在活动现场敲响了和谐钟,并接受了世界和谐基金会(WHF)颁发的和谐杰出贡献奖。
协助组织各界名人与非政府组织参加该活动的世界和谐基金会主席刘藩(Frank Liu)说:“世界在三年的疫情危机后已经受到重大的经济损失, 世界不能再承载大战引起的更近一步的灾难,我们呼吁联合国安理会与联合国大会共同号召并敦促和谐促和平,我们希望今天的和谐钟在这里敲响后,尽快得到联合国的邀请与联合国秘书长、联合国大会主席、联合国安理会主席共同敲响。”
刘藩说:“汤姆·索兹来自长岛,是著名的联邦国会议员,也是个为民请命的好议员, 多次位纽约与美国获得重要的议案通过,特别对人与自然、保护生态、维护和平、维护社会治安等方面走出杰出贡献,被人民称为和谐议员。” 在今天的活动上,刘藩代表世界和谐基金会和谐奖委员会宣布2022年第三个和谐杰出贡献奖颁发给汤姆·索兹。
世界和谐钟在2005年打造并在联合国60周年大典由秘书长安南、大会主席、安理会主席共同敲响,随后2006年由东帝汶二位总统敲响,然后2006年六月走进美国国会山由许多著名国会议员敲响,接着2007年走进欧洲维也纳联合国第七届全球论坛由联合国常务副秘书长与多个部长敲响,最近,在11月联合国全球气候大会上由美国总统气候大使前国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)敲响,在2022年中国虎年春节与冬奥运前,由联合国74大会主席蒂贾尼·班迪(Tijjani Muhammad-Bande)及联合国经社理事会主席分别敲响,共同呼吁和谐促和平、终止战争、终止美国的枪声暴力与疫情。
敲钟与颁奖仪式开始,世界和谐基金会青少儿委员会小大使长岛坎蒂亚格小学一年级7岁同学刘若瑟(Joseph Liu )给汤姆·索兹递交上和谐锤连续敲响了三声。世界和谐基金会青少儿领袖委员会秘书长、白宫自愿者金奖获得者刘和谐(Harmony Liu)亲自颁奖杯给汤姆·索兹议员,由青少儿委员会小大使长岛坎蒂亚格小学小学5年级10岁同学刘爱玲(Eirene Liu )给汤姆·索兹挂上奖章,颁奖仪式在热烈的掌声中结束。
世界和谐杰出贡献奖2022年已经在2月颁发给联合国74届大会主席班迪大使,联合国经社理事会主席科伦·凯拉皮尔先生 (Collen Vixen Kelapile) 。以前曾经办法给多位国际名人包括联合国副秘书长安瓦尔·乔杜里(Anwarul Chowdhury )、著名生态保护科学家简·古道尔(Jane Goodall)、著名和平维护者日本前首相鸠山、著名生态保护者、圭亚那前第一副总统兼总理摩西·纳加穆图(Moses Nagamootoo)、著名联合国亲善大使彭丽媛、国会议员莱斯特·沃尔夫(Lester Wolff )、著名歌星斯莱格(Sister Slege)和知名环保慈善家荣克敏等人士先后获奖。
NEW YORK, Mar 1 (AMTV) – Today, during the Cocktail Reception and Kickoff for New York Gubernatorial Candidate the Hon. Tom Suozzi, the Harmony Bell was rung as a symbolic call for an end to war in Ukraine as well as for all conflicts in the world. The Harmony Bell was then rung to stop the spreading of hate crimes in New York city and other boroughs of NYC.
The event gathered a significant crowd of over 1,000 attendees in strong support for Congressman Suozzi, who delivered a brief emotional speech about the current situation in Ukraine and his call for “harmony for peace”.
He also laid out a range of proposals he will implement if he becomes the next Governor of New York. Among his proposals were improving the environment and safety of New York City.
The Congressman committed to making New York an ideal location where infrastructure will be improved and where its citizens will enjoy a life with lower tax rates.
Chairman of the World Harmony Foundation, Frank Liu, made a brief introduction on the meaning of the Harmony Bell and the significance for the world to pray for peace and promote harmony.
Mr. Liu went further to explain the origins of the Harmony Bell and how it was built with spent ammunition and disposed weapons from both the US and China.
The Bell has been rung at many significant world events such as the Commemoration of the United Nations 60th Anniversary, where Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the UN, was the first dignitary to ring the Bell, spreading the importance of peace and harmonious relations among nations.
The Bell was also rung by other dignitaries and personalities at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and more recently at the Glasgow Summit 2021 by John Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy on Climate Change. At the Glasgow Summit the bell was rung to sound an alarm to the climate crisis and the need to take urgent corrective actions.
Furthermore, Mr. Liu while, addressing the event said, “The world has already suffered heavy economic losses after the three-year pandemic. Now we are facing another global crisis due to the Ukraine conflict. We call on the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly to jointly urge “harmony for peace.”
He later invited the Secretary-General of the World Harmony Youth Council, Harmony Liu, accompanied by her siblings Irene Liu (10 year-old and Joseph 7-year old student who are little ambassador for WHF )with their schoolmate Alice Zhang, Kevin Niu, William Wang all join volunteer works and to come onto the stage for participation in the Bell-ringing ceremony.
Finally, the Chairman of the World Harmony Foundation, announced that Congressman Suozzi will receive the 2022 World Harmony Foundation Award for his Outstanding Contribution to peace, harmony and environmental protection.
The CEO of WHF Jeanmarie Nicole Edwards, senior adviser of WHF Dr Suzi Legget, adviser of WHF Alfredo Jefferson with more than 100 friends of WHF all Come to ” Support Harmony for Peace, Stop Ukraine War and Support Congressman Suozzi ‘s governorship campain .