3,756 New Positive Cases and 17 New Deaths Due to COVID-19 in Los Angeles County

AMTV/LOS ANGELES, CA, Doc 09 – Today, Public Health reported 17 additional deaths and 3,756 new positive cases. Of the 17 new deaths reported today, one person was between the ages of 18 to 29, one person was between the ages of 30 to 49, three people were between the ages of 50 to 64, two people were between the ages of 65 to 79, and 10 people were aged 80 years or older. Of the 17 newly reported deaths, 16 had underlying health conditions. To date, the total number of deaths in L.A. County is 34,296.

Public Health has reported a total of 3,577,685 positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of L.A. County. Today’s positivity rate is 12.1%.

There are 1,243 people with COVID-19 currently hospitalized. Testing results are available for more than 12,761,505 individuals, with 25% of people testing positive.

With a rise in COVID-19 cases, Los Angeles County moved into the CDC High Community Level this week, prompting Public Health officials to ask all residents to layer in sensible health protections including indoor masking and getting vaccinated and boosted.

With the COVID-19 case rate reaching 258 COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people this week, and almost 15 hospital admissions per 100,000 people, the CDC High Community Level designation reflects both high transmission and increased stress on hospitals. The stress on the healthcare system is compounded by high rates of influenza and other respiratory illnesses.

Data shows that people over 65 and people living in areas with the highest poverty rate are more likely to be hospitalized and die from COVID in Los Angeles County, regardless of vaccination status, and historically we have seen how a COVID surge can deepen these disparities. Many factors, including inadequate access to health-affirming resources and racism, contribute to these gaps. While COVID vaccines are not an equalizer, the rates of hospitalization and deaths are far higher for those unvaccinated, serving as a stark reminder of how powerful the vaccines continue to be.

Increased transmission of COVID-19 in Los Angeles County means there is a higher likelihood of catching COVID during routine activities, such as grocery shopping, eating out at restaurants, running errands, or attending a concert or large holiday party. At the current case rate, if you attend a party with 200 people, the chance that at least one person at the party is infected with COVID, is between 80-90%. If the case rate climbs to 350, that chance increases to almost 100%. And for the millions of people in the higher risk categories — elderly family members and friends, those with underlying health conditions, and those who are immunocompromised — increased chances of being exposed can have a devastating impact.

Higher transmission also leads to higher workplace absences and wider disruptions to everyday life, whether at healthcare facilities, retail stores, restaurants, delivery services, and even family gatherings.

One of the most effective ways to reduce COVID-19 transmission, along with transmission of other respiratory illnesses like flu and RSV, is to wear well-fitted, high-filtration masks indoors. Everyone ages 2 and older is asked to wear a mask in indoor public spaces, such as transit, retail, event venues, schools, and worksites when around others.

Protecting against severe illness is equally important and the new, bivalent booster and therapeutics provide protection against severe illness and death from COVID-19. There are also vaccines and anti-viral medications to prevent severe illness from influenza. Vaccines, boosters, and therapeutics are readily available at Public Health sites, pharmacies, and other locations across the county.

In addition, simple actions such as frequent handwashing and staying home when you are sick can help to further limit transmission. The same precautions that help limit the spread of COVID will also provide protection against RSV and flu.

Seniors and residents who can’t easily leave their home may contact the Public Health call center to arrange for at-home vaccinations and, if eligible, oral therapeutics by calling (833) 540-0473, seven days a week, from 8:00 am to 8:30 pm. Residents also may go to VaccinateLACounty.com to find nearby vaccination sites, request a mobile vaccination team for your worksite or community event, or an in-home visit if you or someone you know is homebound.

LA County residents also should take a COVID-19 test after a known exposure, if symptomatic, and before gatherings. Rapid tests are readily available and are likely to be covered by health insurance. Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 should isolate until day 10, or day 5 if you have a negative test.

These health measures are essential as LA County continues to see large increases in the number of reported COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. The 7-day average case count in the county is 3,639, a nearly 19% increase from one week ago when the 7-day average of 3,053 cases was reported.

And over the past seven days, the average number of daily COVID-positive patients in LA County hospitals is 1245, an increase of 18% from last week when the average number of COVID-positive patients per day was 1056.

The county is currently reporting an average of 12 deaths per day, an increase from the average of 9 deaths reported per day a week ago.

“I send my condolences to those who have had someone close to them die from COVID-19. I wish you never had to feel this loss and I offer my deepest sympathies,” said Dr. Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health. “Our shared goal during this pandemic has always been to reduce the burden of disease, hospitalization and death and we all know it takes a community to do so. When you put on your mask for these few weeks during this surge, it is about the people of LA County. It is about every individual, every visitor, our healthcare workers, essential workers, and other people who serve. In addition to vaccination, it is one of the easiest things everyone can do right now.”


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全美电视5月3日加州库比蒂诺市报道,苹果公司在公布了好于预期的第二季度收益和有史以来规模最大的股票回购计划后,该公司股价飙升6%。这是该股自2022年11月30日以来表现最好的一天。 iPhone制造商苹果公司5月2日周四宣布将回购1100亿美元的股票,这是美国历史上规模最大的股票回购,超过了苹果之前的回购。根据伦敦证券交易所(LSEG)的数据,该公司公布每股盈馀1.53美元,营收907.5亿美元,超过分析师预估的每股盈馀1.50美元,营收900.01亿美元。 但苹果公司该季度整体销量同比下降了4%,iPhone销量同比下降了10%,表明市场对这款最新一代智能手机的需求疲软。苹果首席执行官库克(Tim Cook)承认,与去年同期相比,季度销售额出现了困难。 美国银行(Bank of America)的分析师在今天的一份投资者报告中,重申了对苹果股票的“买入”评级,称其为首选,并将目标价从225美元上调至230美元,并预计苹果今年将为iPhone推出生成式人工智能功能。 分析师认为,“苹果在中国大陆的iphone销量正在增长,预估修正正转为正面,GenAI的功能将推动强劲的升级周期。” 摩根大通(JPMorgan)分析师决定维持“增持”评级,并在5月2日将苹果的目标价从210美元上调至225美元,理由是iPhone的营收同比“有弹性”,以及在苹果下周发布产品之前,“对ipad将迎来升级周期的预期”。 “总而言之,虽然收入同比温和增长可能不是理想的结果,”他们写道,“但现在它提供了未来几年更高收入机会的可见性,硬件设备的产品周期以及人工智能主导的智能手机周期进一步推动了增长。” 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)分析师也维持了对苹果的增持评级,并在5月2日将苹果的目标价从210美元上调至216美元,理由是苹果公司的季度业绩、3月份iPhone在中国的出货量同比增长,股票回购及即将推出人工智能更新的暗示。很难不变得更加乐观。”

9 hours ago


全美电视5月3日华盛顿报道,美国劳工部(DOL)今天公布的月度就业报告显示,美国4月份新增就业17.5万个就业岗位,远低于经济学家预测的新增24.3万个。这是美国自去年10月以来创造就业岗位最糟糕的一个月,与此同时,失业率意外上升至3.9%,而此前的预期是稳定在3.8%。就业率的放缓表明高利率和顽固的通胀开始给劳动力市场带来压力。 该报告显示,美国上个月除就业增长放缓之外,工资增长也更加缓慢。通货膨胀的关键指标平均时薪增长了0.2%,低于预期。按年率计算,4月份工资增长了3.9%。华尔街对该消息表示欢迎,三大股指在今天上午的盘前交易中均出现飙升。 该报告还显示,美国医疗保健行业4月份在创造就业岗位方面继续领跑,新增就业56200人。其他显著增长的行业,包括社会救助3.08万人、运输和仓储2.18万人,以及建筑0.9万人。 该报告对今年早些时候的就业增长数据进行了小幅修正。美国劳工部称,2月新增就业人数向下修正3.4万人至23.6万人,3月新增就业人数略高,为31.5万人。 此前,美国劳动力市场在过去一年里一直处于历史紧俏状态,与经济学家预期的放缓趋势背道而驰。经济学家表示,在经历了去年的迅猛增长后,美国经济正开始降温,但仍远未突破 这份出人意料的报告显示,由于美联储(Federal Reserve)激进的加息行动,就业市场正开始出现问题,这加大了美联储更早而不是更晚降息的可能性。 此前,美联储政策制定者在5月1日投票决定将利率维持在2001年以来的最高水平,并暗示在年初发布一系列通胀报告后,将继续对降息持观望态度。 美联储主席鲍威尔(Jerome Powell )排除了今年进一步加息的可能性,并暗示,如果劳动力市场出现“意外疲软”,美联储准备采取行动。 鲍威尔表示:“这必须是有意义的,引起我们的注意,让我们认为就业市场确实在显著走弱,我们才会想要对此做出反应。”“失业率的十分之二可能不会起到这种作用。”

13 hours ago


全美电视5月3日五角大楼报道,美国国防部长奥斯汀(Lloyd Austin)、日本防卫大臣木原稔(Kihara Minoru)和澳大利亚副总理兼国防部长马尔斯(Richard Marles ),5月2日在夏威夷召开了三边国防部长会议。这是美日澳三国国防领导人之间的第十三次会议,强调了在实施 2023 年联合声明中提出的活动和实际合作领域方面取得的里程碑式成就。 五角大楼今天发布的一份美日澳联合声明中称,三边国防部长团结一致,共同致力于深化合作,促进印度太平洋及其他地区的安全、稳定和繁荣。美日澳国防部长们欢迎并承认三国最近实施的战略文件的重要性,强调了他们之间的深度战略一致性和共同价值观。他们肯定了三国伙伴关系对实现自由开放的印度太平洋的重要作用,以及过去一年取得的重大进展,表明他们在各个层面和各个领域的三国协调日益加强。 该联合声明指出,美日澳国防部长们重申,强烈反对中国在南海和东海以武力或胁迫手段单方面改变现状的任何企图。这包括在南海采取令人担忧和破坏稳定的行动,例如海上和空中的不安全相遇、有争议岛礁的军事化、危险地使用海岸警卫队船只和海上民兵,包括干扰常规海上行动,以及破坏其他国家近海资源勘探的努力。他们强烈反对中国违反包括《联合国海洋法公约》在内的国际法,破坏国际规则、标准和规范的主张和行动。他们决心共同努力,支持各国能够根据《联合国海洋法公约》行使在海洋领域的权利和自由,包括航行和飞越自由。 该联合声明强调,美日澳国防部长们强调台湾海峡和平与稳定的重要性。他们呼吁和平解决两岸问题。部长们重申了对东南亚和平、安全和繁荣的持久承诺,在那里,主权受到尊重,国际法得到遵守,各国可以在不受胁迫的情况下做出决定。他们重申了对东盟中心地位和团结以及东盟主导的区域架构的承诺。他们认识到加强与包括菲律宾在内的东南亚伙伴合作的重要性,并欢迎澳大利亚、日本、菲律宾和美国国防部长和国务卿第二次会议也在夏威夷举行。 该联合声明表示,为了反映三边伙伴关系在维护地区稳定方面发挥的关键作用,美日澳国防部长们承诺加强国防合作。部长们确认,三边防务合作对于维护地区稳定、透明度和尊重国际规则和规范至关重要。他们重申坚定决心,在继续扩大防务合作范围的同时,保持印度太平洋地区的自由、开放、安全和繁荣。

13 hours ago


全美电视5月3日第比利斯报道,日本财务大臣铃木俊一(Shunichi Suzuki)今天在格鲁吉亚第比利斯举行的亚洲开发银行(ADB)57届年会期间表示,汇率保持稳定是可取的,“当出现过度波动时,可能有必要让它平稳下来。” 铃木俊一支持日本决策者干预日圆汇率,朝着开始影响家庭和企业的尖锐方向发展。 当铃木俊一被问及日本政府最近是否干预了外汇市场,以及当前的日圆汇率水平是否合适时,他不愿做出评论。 5月1日,日圆兑美元汇率上涨逾2%,接近1美元兑153元日圆。 一些市场分析师表示,这很可能是日本政府干预造成的。日本当局尚未发表官方声明,确认在支撑日圆方面所扮演的角色。 日圆兑美元走软可能推高进口成本,从而损及经济,铃木一郎今天的讲话进一步证实,决策者正密切关注汇率。 东京时间周五晚上,日圆兑美元汇率为152.85日圆,在过去几十年里,当其他全球央行收紧货币政策时,日本一直保持着超宽松的策略。 据市场相关人士基于日本央行统计数据推算的结果获悉,政府和央行可能在5月1日当天凌晨通过购入日圆出售美元,对汇市进行了3万亿日圆规模的干预。 据分析,4月29日可能也曾实施了5万亿日元规模的干预。若果真如此,则两天投入的资金总额达到8万亿日元规模。预计日本财务省将于5月31日公布4月26日至5月29日实施的干预总额。

16 hours ago


全美电视5月2日迈阿密报道,一名乘客在迈阿密国际机场被逮捕,因为他试图在裤子里塞一袋蛇偷带上飞机。美国运输安全管理局(TSA)在社交媒体X上分享了这些蛇的照片,并写道,佛罗里达州的官员4月26日周五“在检查站发现了藏在一名乘客裤子里的这袋蛇”。 美国运输安全管理局还写道,美国海关和边境保护局(CBP)和迈阿密-戴德警察被请来协助,蛇被“移交给佛罗里达鱼类和野生动物保护委员会(FFWCC)”。 该起事件并不是佛罗里达州第一次有人试图将蛇偷运上飞机。美国运输安全管理局表示,2022年底,一名女子曾试图带着一条名为“巴塞洛缪”(Bartholomew)的大蟒蛇通过坦帕国际机场的安检,并声称这是她的“情感支持宠物”。 一位美国运输安全管理局发言人当时说:“美国运输安全管理局通知了航空公司,航空公司裁定他们的飞机上不能带蛇!”那条蛇当时藏在一个随身携带的包里。

1 day ago


全美电视5月2日库比蒂诺市报道,美国科技公司苹果(Apple)今天宣布,其董事会已授权1100亿美元的股票回购,比去年授权的900亿美元增加了22%。这是该公司历史上规模最大的一次回购,超过了苹果此前的回购规模。 总部位于加州库比蒂诺市的苹果公司今天公布的第二财季收益略高于华尔街预期,但整体收入下降4%,iPhone销量下降10%。苹果股价今天在盘后交易中上涨6%。 苹果在截至今年3月30日的季度业绩与伦敦证券交易所(LSEG)普遍预期的对比,每股收益1.53美元,预期为1.50美元。营收907.5亿美元,预期为900.01亿美元。iPhone营收459.6亿美元,预期为460亿美元。Mac收入75亿美元,预期为68.6亿美元。iPad营收56亿美元,预期为59.1亿美元。其他产品收入79亿美元,预期为80.8亿美元。服务收入239亿美元,预期为232.7亿美元。苹果公司季度业绩的毛利率46.6%,预期为46.6%。 苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)表示,在6月这个季度,整体销售额将“低个位数增长”。苹果去年6月当季营收为818亿美元,而伦敦证券交易所分析师此前的预期为832.3亿美元。 苹果公布的净利润为236.4亿美元,合每股1.53美元,较上年同期的241.6亿美元和1.52美元下降2%。今年第三季度,该公司总销售额下降了4%。 库克表示,与去年同期相比,苹果的同比销售额出现了困难,当时苹果公司因供应问题导致iPhone 14的销售推迟,实现了50亿美元的销售额。 库克说:“如果从去年的业绩中剔除这50亿美元,我们本季度的业绩将实现同比增长。”“这就是我们从公司内部的表现来看问题的方式。” 苹果公司表示,iPhone的销售额下降了近10%,至459.6亿美元,这表明对9月份发布的这一代iPhone的需求疲弱。销售额与分析师的预期一致,库克表示,如果没有去年的销售额增长,iPhone的收入将持平。 Mac的销售额增长了4%,达到74.5亿美元,但仍低于该行业在2022年创下的最高水平。库克表示,苹果公司今年3月发布的配备升级版M3芯片的新款MacBook Air推动了销售。 该公司Apple Watch和AirPods耳机产品的销售数据显示,其营收同比下降10%,至79亿美元。 在本季度,苹果发布了多年来第一个新的主要产品类别,Vision…

1 day ago