LA County Introduces the Fair Chance Ordinance to Give System-impacted Individuals an Equal Opportunity to Be Employed

AMTV, Los Angeles, Jan 6 – Today, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a motion to introduce the Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers. Adoption of the Ordinance will provide additional rights, protections and enforcement mechanisms for persons with criminal history seeking employment in the unincorporated Los Angeles County. The County’s Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers will complement the States’ “Ban-the Box” law, called the Fair Chance Act, enacted in 2018, which generally prohibits employers with five or more employees from asking about the conviction history of an applicant before making a job offer, and requires employers to perform an individualized assessment regarding an applicant’s conviction history before rescinding a job offer.

Through this motion and adoption of the Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers, envisioned and championed by Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell and co-authored by Supervisor Hilda L. Solis, the County of Los Angeles seeks to overcome the stigma and unfair biases associated with individuals with criminal records when employers are making hiring and employment decisions, and to ensure that individuals with criminal history are provided a fair and equitable opportunity for employment.

“Our local economy and communities’ benefit from more residents having equitable access to opportunity – this must include our fellow residents who have served their time and are ready to work. I am proud that the Board’s vote brings Los Angeles County closer to adopting a fair chance ordinance. Once officially in effect, this ordinance will help ensure the County is leading by example as the largest employer in the region and will strengthen protections and create tools for stronger enforcement of fair chance hiring practices in our unincorporated communities,” said Los Angeles County Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell.

The Ordinance will apply to any private employer that employs five or more employees performing at least two hours of work each week within the unincorporated areas of the County. If an employer is deemed in violation of the Ordinance, penalties may be collected by the County.

“When one in three Americans has a criminal record and approximately 60,000 Californians are likely to return home from prison or jail, our local economy cannot afford to leave this subset of our population unemployed,” said Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda L. Solis, First District. “Our fellow community members deserve a fair chance to thrive in an accessible, equitable, and inclusive County.”

The motion also includes a directive that will hold the County of Los Angeles, as the largest employer in the County, to the same standards as what is being asked of private businesses under the Ordinance. “The County of Los Angeles is a proud Fair Chance employer and has been so for several years. The Department of Human Resources has created and implemented policies designed to address fair and equitable employment opportunities for individuals impacted by the justice system. In the County, a conviction is not a barrier to employment. In fact, we have talented and productive employees who have previously been incarcerated. This is a viable source of talent. We look forward to further refining our policies to align with this ordinance,” said Lisa M. Garrett, Director of Personnel.

The Department of Consumer and Business Affairs’ (DCBA) Office of Labor Equity will be the leading enforcement agency for the Ordinance and will work directly with the Department of Economic Opportunity to educate businesses and individuals in the unincorporated areas of LA County. “This progressive ordinance paves the way for many more qualified, productive workers to contribute to and thrive in our community as they build a brighter future for themselves and their families,” said Rafael Carbajal, Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs. “We look forward to working with LA County business operators to educate them about how to remain in compliance with the Fair Chance Ordinance.”

“Fair chance hiring creates diverse and inclusive workspaces, which have been proven to boost businesses bottom line and our local economies – it is a win-win situation for all” says, Kelly LoBianco, Director of the Department of Economic Opportunity. “Our department is committed to working with employers to implement fair chance hiring practices and connect them to a skilled workforce while preparing individuals impacted by the justice system at our America’s Job Centers of California (AJCC), Office of Small Business and through various workforce and economic development programs and services.”

The Department of Economic Opportunity has been at the forefront of promoting and increasing awareness of the state’s Fair Chance Act since 2019 by educating businesses about the benefits of hiring individuals that have been impacted by the justice system as well as informing jobseekers with lived experience about their rights under the law.

A year ago, DEO launched its most recent iteration of the Fair Chance Hiring Campaign, after a pause in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In partnership with the LA County Department of Human Resources (DHR), the Justice, Care, and Opportunities Department (JCOD) and (AJCCs), and key collaborators, Root & Rebound, LeadersUp and Taskforce, DEO worked tirelessly to decrease barriers to employment for individuals impacted by the justice system by highlighting proven benefits of hiring fair chance and breaking down misconceptions of the reentry population.

As a fair chance employer and individual with lived experience, Carmen Garcia, Executive Director at Root & Rebound, says, “Don’t let that criminal record be the reason you deny someone an opportunity. Because you’re missing out on very, very hard workers. People who are very loyal to the mission, the work, to their colleagues.”

The Campaign has since reached 2,539 justice system impacted individuals of which 977 have been hired into permanent employment. Individuals received information about their rights under the law, career pathways in various industries with low barriers to entry, and direct referrals to AJCCs to access workforce training and connections to employers who provide living wages and career pathways. The Fair Chance Hiring Campaign also reached 1,763 businesses with information and technical assistance on how to implement fair chance hiring practices and connect to their nearest AJCC to access skilled workforce with lived experience. To learn more about the Fair Chance Hiring Campaign, visit:

Through the comprehensive Fair Chance Hiring Campaign, DEO will continue to educate and work with employers to help them understand their rights and responsibilities under the County’s Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers as well as continue to partner with community organizations and advocates to inform reentry individuals about their protections under the law. The Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers will be effective 30 days after adoption by the Board of Supervisors and is set to be operative by September 2024.


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全美电视5月8日华盛顿报道,美国国家药物滥用研究所(NIDA)的一项研究发现,2011年至2021年,美国因吸毒过量有超过32万名儿童而失去父母。 据宣布研究结果的新闻稿称,该研究的共同作者、国家药物滥用研究所科学政策部门负责人艾米丽·爱因斯坦(Emily Einstein)博士表示,这项研究的灵感来自新冠病毒(COVID-19)大流行期间的类似研究。此前还没有过一项全国性研究调查过受吸毒过量危机影响的儿童数量。 研究发现,在研究的十年中,有649599名18至64岁的人死于服毒过量。儿童失去父亲的可能性比失去母亲的可能性更大。 爱因斯坦说:“这个特定数据集非常重要的一点是,它描绘了吸毒者的形象,我认为,我们经常认为吸毒成瘾或吸毒者是他们的典型特征,尤其是当有人因吸毒过量而死亡时……这些死者中,近一半的人家里都有孩子。 爱因斯坦表示:“我认为这为我们提供了确凿的数据,让我们可以开始全面了解一个人的整个生活,以及我们需要如何处理他们生活中的所有因素,既是为了他们自己的吸毒成瘾,也是为了减轻被遗弃的孩子所遭受的创伤。” 新闻稿称,虽然“受影响儿童最多的是那些父母非西班牙裔白人的儿童”,但研究发现“有色人种社区和部落社区的儿童受到的影响尤为严重”。父母非西班牙裔的美国印第安人或阿拉斯加原住民儿童经常会因吸毒过量而失去父母,这一群体中每10万名儿童中就有 187名受到影响。 研究发现,该比例是白人和黑人儿童的两倍多,白人和黑人儿童受影响的比例分别为,每10万名白人儿童中有76.5名儿童受到影响,以及每10万名黑人儿童中有73名儿童受到影响。 新闻稿称,在研究的10年期间,父母因吸毒过量而死亡的儿童比例“增加了一倍以上”。研究发现,所有种族和族裔人口中都出现了这种增长,但父母是非西班牙裔黑人的儿童每年的死亡率增幅最高,每年因吸毒过量而死亡的儿童比例增加约24%。 爱因斯坦说,不断增加的数字表明吸毒过量危机是“最高级别的紧急情况”。爱因斯坦表示:“重要的是要记住,父母吸毒的家庭中的孩子很可能存在环境风险因素,也可能存在生物风险因素,这些因素可能会增加他们吸毒的可能性。然后,如果你把父母因吸毒过量而失去这一创伤事件考虑在内,这意味着这些孩子非常脆弱。” 宾夕法尼亚州的苏珊·奥斯特曼 (Susan Ousterman) 为因过量吸毒而失去孩子的父母组织了支持小组。奥斯特曼说,她经常看到祖父母抚养孙辈,而他们的父母则在与药物滥用作斗争或因过量吸毒而死。奥斯特曼说,她希望这项研究能够强调与孩子谈论药物滥用和成瘾的必要性,而不是对吸毒者进行歧视。奥斯特曼认为:“目前对儿童的支持还不够。”…

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全美电视5月8日华盛顿报道,美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)今天表示,他担心在拉法避难的100多万平民的安全。拜登政府不会向以色列提供进攻性武器,使以色列可以利用这些武器对拉法发动全面攻击。。 拜登今天在电视上对美国人说,美国仍然致力于以色列的防御,并将提供铁穹火箭拦截器和其他防御性武器,但如果以色列进入拉法,“我们不会提供所使用的武器和炮弹。” 拜登总统此举,以及拜登政府上周暂停向以色列运送重型炸弹的决定,是在与以色列政府及其总理内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)之间日益明显的分歧的最显著表现。拜登总统说,以色列需要做更多的工作来保护加沙平民的生命。拉法是哈马斯在加沙地带的最后一个主要据点。美国一直以来向以色列提供大量军事援助。 在以色列声称哈马斯10月7日的袭击造成约1200人死亡,并导致约250人被俘之后,拜登政府更增加了对以色列的军事援助。以色列政府及其总理内塔尼亚胡已经多次明确宣称,没有任何人可以阻挡以色列进攻拉法的决心。 据一位不愿透露姓名的拜登政府高级官员透露,原来计划运往以色列的炸弹包括1800枚2000磅(900公斤)的炸弹和1700枚500磅(225公斤)的炸弹。这些拜登政府的重型炸弹,提供给了以色列在人口密集的加沙城市地区使用。 拜登总统承认:“由于这些炸弹和他们袭击人口中心的其他方式,加沙的平民已经被杀害。”“我明确表示,如果他们进入拉法,他们还没有进入拉法,如果他们进入拉法,我不会提供历史上用来对付拉法,对付城市,解决那个问题的武器。” 美国国防部长奥斯汀今天早些时候证实了延期运输武器的消息,他对参议院拨款委员会国防小组委员会说,美国暂停了“一批高载荷弹药的运输”。 但奥斯汀又表示:“我们将继续采取必要措施,确保以色列拥有自卫的手段。”不过,考虑到拉法局势的发展,我们目前正在审查一些近期的安全援助物资。” 与此同时,拜登政府本周将首次就空袭加沙和限制提供援助,是否违反了旨在使平民免遭最严重战争恐怖的国际法和美国法律作出正式裁决。以色列的决定将进一步加大对拜登政府的压力,以及要求遏制武器和资金流向以色列军方。 据报道称,拜登在上周向五角大楼传达的命令中签署了暂停的命令。白宫国家安全委员会(NSC)试图在几天内不让美国公众知晓这项决定。直到它对以色列在拉法加强军事行动的规模有了更好的了解,直到拜登能够在5月7日周二的大屠杀纪念日发表计划已久的讲话。 拜登政府从今年4月开始审查未来对以色列军事援助,当时内塔尼亚胡政府似乎正在计划进攻拉法,尽管白宫几个月来一直反对。拜登政府暂停向以色列运输武器的决定是在上周做出的,目前尚未就是否在晚些时候继续发货做出最终决定。 几天来,美国官员一直拒绝就暂停武器运往以色列发表评论。但拜登总统发誓,拜登政府对以色列的支持是“坚如磐石的,即使我们存在分歧”。 此前,以色列驻联合国大使埃尔丹(Gilad…

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全美电视5月7日华盛顿报道,美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)接到飞机制造商波音(Boeing)的通知,称一些公司员工未能完成对部分787梦想客机(Dreamliner)的具体检查,但却谎称检查已经完成,实质上是伪造检查记录。 据美国联邦航空局称,仍在波音公司的飞机正在接受重新检查。一位了解情况的消息人士表示,波音工程师进行了评估,认为不会立即出现安全问题,因为787飞机在制造时有多个冗余装置,以防止雷击等事件。 联邦航空局发言人一份声明中说:“随着调查的继续,联邦航空局将一如既往地采取任何必要行动,以确保公众飞行的安全。” 在此之后,该公司已展开正式调查。检查证实,连接机翼和机身的紧固件有足够的粘合和接地。测试的目的是确认飞机是否能正确接地,抵御像雷击这样的电流。 据知情人士透露,可能涉及的飞机数量约为450架,其中约60架仍在波音生产系统内。波音公司在4月29日通过787项目副总裁兼总经理斯科特·斯托克(Scott Stocker)的电子邮件向员工通报了这一情况。该封电子邮件称,波音的工程团队已经“评估了这种不当行为不会立即造成飞行安全问题”。 斯托克赞扬了波音公司南卡罗来纳州的一名员工发现并报告了这一问题,“队友在翼身连接处的一致性测试中发现了一个不正常的地方。他向他的经理提出了这个问题,他的经理把这个问题引起了行政领导层的注意,在收到报告后,我们迅速审查了此事,并了解到有几个人违反了公司的政策,没有进行要求的测试,而是将工作记录为已经完成。” 斯托克告诉员工,波音公司“对不遵守旨在确保质量和安全的流程是零容忍的”,公司正在“与多名队友们一起采取迅速而认真的纠正措施”。 在这封电子邮件发出不到两周前,波音公司的一名质量工程师在参议院一个小组委员会作证,他说他对787梦幻客机的生产提出了担忧,但管理层对这些担忧不予理会。 波音公司拒绝讨论涉及飞机的具体数量,因为它表示仍在收集有关情况的信息,但可能有数百架飞机,表明这种情况可能已经持续了很长一段时间。 美国联邦航空局还没有确定787实际上存在安全问题或生产过程中的缺陷。目前,美国联邦航空局还没有确定目前在役的梦想飞机是否存在直接的安全问题。

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