Russia calls for ‘concerted efforts’ to follow purposes and principles of UN Charter

The Russian Foreign Minister addressed the UN General Assembly on Saturday, calling for a new consensus to uphold the “purposes and principles” of the UN’s founding document, the UN Charter, and a rejection of the Western-backed “Rules Based Order” concept.

UNITED NATIONS, NY. Sept 24 – Mr. Lavrov said the recent United States proposal for a “Summit for Democracy”, was more “in the spirit of a Cold War, as it declares a new ideological crusade against all dissenters”. He said it contradicted President Biden’s call to stop dividing the world into opposing blocs.

He criticized the United States and Western allies for brooking no dissent over what makes up the democratic consensus and called on the US not to impose it’s “development model” on others, arguing that the Rules Based Order was “founded on double standards”.

He said the use of unilateral sanctions and restrictions by countries, undermined the prerogatives of the Security Council and the UN-centred architecture that was shaped in the aftermath of World War Two, which has “repeatedly proven reliable insurance against disastrous scenarios in the face of global challenges. The world needs unity rather than a new divide, he said.

“Russia strongly advocates for rejecting any confrontation and stereotypes, for joining efforts to solve the key tasks of development”, added the veteran diplomat.

He called on the Security Council to be reformed, and adapt “to the reality of the polycentric world order by enlarging it with increased representation of Asia, Africa, and Latin America”, and take “genuine collective action.”

P5 summit call

He noted President Putin’s proposal to convene a summit of the permanent five members of the Council – China, France, Russia, the United States and United Kingdom – for “a frank discussion on global stability issues.”

All countries, he said, are in the same boat with, shared interests, and need to ensure that “the boat stays safely afloat on the waves of global politics.”

In working together in spite of differences, and for the common good, it should be possible to fulfil the honourable mission of the United Nations, to save this current generation “from the scourge of war and succeeding generations too, from war hunger and disease, building a more peaceful, stable and democratic future for all. In conclusion let me propose a hashtag, #UNCharterIsOurRules.”

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