LOS ANGELES, CA, Mar 30 – Today, LA Public Health reported 29 additional deaths, and 587 new positive cases of COVID-19. Of the 21 new deaths reported today, one of the people who died was between the ages of 18-29, two people were between the ages of 30-49, four people were between the ages of 50-64, 10 were between the ages of 65-79, and 10 were aged 80 years or older. Of the 29 newly reported deaths, 21 people had underlying health conditions. Information on the two deaths reported by the City of Long Beach is available at www.LongBeach.gov. To date, the total number of deaths in L.A. County is 31,655.
Public Health has reported a total of 2,832,706 positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of L.A. County. Note that 510 additional cases have been added to the cumulative total of positive cases due to a backlog of cases from the surge. Today’s positivity rate is 0.9%.
There are 325 people with COVID-19 currently hospitalized. Testing results are available for more than 11,684,500 individuals, with 22% of people testing positive.
A wide range of data and dashboards on COVID-19 from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health are available on the Public Health website at http://www.publichealth.lacounty.gov