40,535 New Positive Cases and 48 New Deaths Due to COVID-19 in Los Angeles County

LOS ANGELES, CA, Jan 14 – With hospitalizations rising and many emergency departments requesting ambulance diversions at some point during the day, Public Health urges all residents to help preserve the existing capacity of LA County hospitals by not going to the emergency departments for COVID testing or mild illness.

For those who are experiencing mild illness, please contact your primary care provider or schedule a visit at a clinic. Residents needing a COVID test can visit covid19.lacounty.gov/testing to find a convenient testing location near you. This will ensure that those needing emergency care can get services at the closest emergency department or get a quick response when they call 911.

Currently, LA County is averaging 629 new COVID-19 admissions daily, with 4,257 people currently hospitalized with COVID-19, the highest number since February 5th, 2021. Six hundred of these patients are currently in the ICU, making up nearly 25% of all ICU patients. This is higher than the level witnessed during the Delta surge, where COVID patients comprised 20% of ICU patients.

The proportion of ventilated patients with COVID-19 has also nearly tripled since the beginning of December, with one-in five patients currently ventilated diagnosed with COVID. More than 80% of all adult ICU beds in LA County are currently occupied

“I join with others sending condolences to all those grieving the loss of a loved one from COVID-19 at this time,” said Dr. Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health. “As Omicron surges across LA County, there are mounting challenges and frustrations affecting so many. The enormous strain experienced by our health care personnel can be alleviated by reducing the transmission of the virus so that less people are seeking medical care. And while it may feel like there isn’t much we can do to keep ourselves and others from getting infected, and that it isn’t a big deal to get infected, neither are an accurate assessment of the current situation. Avoiding non-essential activities where the risk for transmission is high because people are crowded together indoors and unmasked will reduce your exposures. Wearing a high grade and well-fitting mask will block COVID virus particles. And given that unvaccinated people are between 2 and 4 times more likely to get infected than those vaccinated, getting vaccinated and boosted will lead to less spread. With thousands of people seriously ill with COVID and deaths increasing daily, it is too risky for too many people to not continue to take precautions and make strategic decisions to minimize community transmission.”

Today, Public Health confirmed 48 additional deaths and 40,535 new cases of COVID-19. Of the 48 new deaths reported today, four were between the ages of 30-49, 12 people were between the ages of 50 and 64, 11 were between the ages of 65-79, and 20 were over the age of 80 years old. Of the 48 newly reported deaths, 38 had underlying conditions. To date, the total number of deaths in L.A. County are 27,942.

Public Health has identified a total 2,172,008 positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of L.A. County. Today’s positivity rate is 19%.

There are 4,257 people with COVID-19 currently hospitalized. Testing results are available for more than 10,537,000 individuals, with 19% of people testing positive.

To keep workplaces and schools open, residents and workers are asked to:

· Adhere to masking requirements when indoors or at crowded outdoor spaces, regardless of vaccination status.

· Remain home when sick, isolate if positive and quarantine when in close contact.

Residents are legally required to be isolated if they have a positive COVID test result and vaccinated close contacts with symptoms and unvaccinated close contacts need to be quarantined.

For updated isolation and quarantine guidance, please visit www.publichealth.lacounty.gov

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective and are recommended for everyone 5 years old and older to help protect against COVID-19. Vaccinations are always free and open to eligible residents and workers regardless of immigration status. Appointments are not needed at all Public Health vaccination sites and many community sites where first, second, and third doses are available.
