5 New Deaths and 2,426 New Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in Los Angeles County

As COVID-19 Cases Among Pregnant Women Increase, Public Health Encourages Expecting and New Moms to Get Vaccinated

LOS ANGELES, Calif. Aug 16 – Reflecting the recent overall trend in Los Angeles County, the number of COVID-19 cases among pregnant women in L.A. County has increased 300% from 27 cases reported among pregnant women during the week ending June 27, to 81 cases reported during the week ending July 25.

As of August 10, there are 11,264 pregnant women who tested positive for COVID-19. Seventy-seven percent of pregnant women testing positive for COVID-19 are Latina/Latinx, 11% are White, 5% are African American/Black, and 5% are Asian. Although rare, women infected during their pregnancy can pass on the virus to their newborn. Among the 10,998 births where there was testing information, 55 infants tested positive for COVID-19. Twelve pregnant women who tested positive for COVID-19 have tragically passed away.

Mounting data shows that COVID-19 infection increases the risk of severe illness and pregnancy complications. Studies have also affirmed the vaccines’ safety in all stages of pregnancy. In light of these findings and the increase in cases across the country, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strengthened its recommendation for COVID-19 vaccination for all women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future.

Today, Public Health confirms 5 new deaths and 2,426 new cases of COVID-19. The number of cases and deaths are likely to reflect reporting delays over the weekend. Of the 5 new deaths reported today, one person who passed away was over the age of 80, two people who died were between the ages of 50 and 64, one person who died was between the ages of 30 and 49, and one person who died was between the ages of 18 and 29. To date, Public Health identified 1,352,791 positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of L.A. County and a total of 24,905 deaths.

There are 1,653 people with COVID-19 currently hospitalized. Testing results are available for nearly 7,760,000 individuals with 16% of people testing positive. Today’s test positivity rate is 3.5%; a substantial decrease from the 6.1% seen two weeks ago and likely reflects the increase in routine screening testing of asymptomatic individuals.

“Many people are experiencing profound grief because they have lost a loved one or friend to COVID-19. Our hearts go out to you during this difficult time,” said Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health. “Unfortunately, pregnant women are at high risk for serious health problems if they become infected with COVID-19. Getting vaccinated is the best way to reduce the risks of COVID-19 infection and complications for both you and your baby. If you are pregnant or a new mom, we encourage you to get vaccinated as soon as you can and you can get vaccinated at any time during pregnancy. Studies continue to show the vaccines are safe for expecting and new moms and are very effective against COVID-19 and the Delta variant.”

L.A. County continues to offer COVID-19 vaccines at many different sites across the county that have weekends and evening hours. Anyone 12 and older living or working in L.A. County can get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Additionally, certain immunocompromised people are recommended for a third dose of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Public Health encourages individuals who have a qualifying condition to speak to their healthcare provider about getting a third dose. A third dose of COVID-19 vaccine is not recommended for the general public at this time. Many vaccination sites all across the county, including all the County-run sites, are offering third doses of the vaccine to those eligible.

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